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Most men go to Spas for massage and wish a happy-ending (Blowjob, Hand-job or Intercourse). But it is not safe place for such activities. In India, prostitution is legal, but one cannot operate a Brothel.

On the other hand, Escorts are Independent Girls, who will fuck you for the money, and the work willingly, nobody forces them here, they do it for money and pleasure. You can enjoy with an escort in any couple-friendly Hotel and this arrangement is quite legal. Because nobody is operating a brothel here, you can either meet in public, or can have a nice dinner, watch movie together, visit some tourist place, hangout somewhere or you can just have sex in your House or Hotel room.

Spas and Escorts culture in metropolitan cities in India

Sexual activities that takes place in Spas, makes them illegal, but who knows what happens there, until and unless, there is a report or complaint. Spas are a public place, they are located in market, they are not any secret, you can find them openly, on the other hand, Escorts operate secretly, mostly because they want to protect their identity, but the explicit activities they gets engaged in, is mostly legal.

Not all Spas are bad, but some of them sure are. Not all escorts are bad, but some of them can be fake, avoid escorts who don’t have website of their own, and who asks you advance payment.

Tip Culture

sexy girl wrapped in red bedsheet

Who doesn’t love any extra money? But girls in Spas, they will fetch money from you as Tip and you may not get the kind of satisfaction you are looking for. Their agenda is fetching money from you. In case of Escorts, they will also love any extra tip for any special service you want, but the base money that you are paying her, is for what you expect from any Spa girl after the tip, and you don’t get that.

Sexual satisfaction is assured with Escorts, but not with Spa girls. In case you want an extra round, you can tip an escort and you will get it, but with any Spa girl, it is not sure.

Police might Raid your favorite Spa center

If you go to any Spa for sexual favors, keep in mind, that Police an raid the place, and if unlucky at the time when you are in there, because Spas conducting sexual activities will become a Brothel, which are illegal in India.

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